Merry Christmas!
Can you feel it? Christmas is in the air. Of course, it’s always Christmas at Old West Christmas Light Fest, and we’re always ready for the holidays. Everyone here at Enchanted Springs Ranch is ready for the season, especially Santa’s Longhorns.
That’s right. Santa’s Holly Jolly Herd is ready for the season. They’ve helped make sure this year’s lights are some of the best outdoor lights in San Antonio, twinkling brighter than ever before. And they’ve been practicing their take-offs and landings to make sure they’re ready for the big night on Christmas Eve. We even have two new baby longhorns starting their training! They’re excited to see the lights of Old West Christmas Light Fest, of course, but they’re over the moon about flying with Santa.
What? You didn’t know that Longhorns can fly? When it comes to Santa, everything is possible! You’d be surprised at how aerodynamic their horns can be, cutting through sky and clearing the way for Santa to make his deliveries. After all, there’s nothing small in Texas. Especially not the holidays. That’s why we pack so many lights and holiday magic into Old West Christmas Light Fest. Anything less just won’t do!

Around here, when we’re sitting around the campfire telling stories, our version of “The Night Before Christmas” doesn’t feature reindeer:
“When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a Texas-size sleigh, with eight mighty Longhorns carrying holiday cheer!”
Santa’s Longhorns here at his favorite ranch are a fantastic crew. They’re working hard to practice their flying and landing. Because as you can imagine, landing on roof tops isn’t exactly easy when you’re a 2,000-pound steer.
“And then in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.”
We’re not sure yet about their prancing, but we know there’s NOTHING little about their hooves, so we’ll have to edit that one, too. “Each huge hoof” works, right??
No matter what, we know this crew is ready for the job! They’re also ready for all of the fun of Old West Christmas Light Fest. There’s just one problem: these guys need their sleep! And our lights are brightest right when they’re ready to bed down for the night, so they don’t often get to see the sparkle and twinkle of our displays.

We hate to say it, but these guys just aren’t party animals. After long days of flying and landing practice, they’re tuckered out. A few of them might hang around where you can say hi, but most of them will probably scurry out to the back 40 to catch some shut-eye. If they’re hanging out in their pen, feel free to say Merry Christmas to them. Just remember to be kind and don’t try to pet them–Santa’s watching!
Sad that you might not get to chat with Santa’s Longhorns? Don’t despair: Our scavenger hunt will give you the chance to find them all, or at least their pictures, and take home a treat. The scavenger hunt is a part of the family fun you’ll enjoy when you come out to Old West Christmas Light Fest.
Now excuse us while we go talk to the herd about who is taking the lead from Rudolph. We don’t have a Longhorn with a shiny red nose, but we certainly have more than enough lights to make things bright for Santa!
See you in the glow of Old West Christmas Light Fest!