We know: the best outdoor lights in San Antonio aren’t all you come out for. If “Lights are fine, but Santa is divine” category, we’ve got great news for you: Santa is at Old West Christmas Light Fest every night we’re open up until his big night, Christmas Eve. That means you can come on in and tell him your wish list through December 15th, Thursday through Sunday nights, then again December 19th through 24th, 6-10 p.m. each night.
So if you’re looking for the best place to see Santa in town, you need to make a stop at Old West Christmas Light Fest. At Enchanted Springs Ranch, Santa’s got more room to spread out and see all of his fans, taking over one of the saloons in the Old West to greet everyone whose heads are filled with sugar plum dreams this year. As always at Old West Christmas Light Fest, there’s no charge to meet Santa and snap photos with everyone’s favorite man in red, so come on in, put your best smile on and say “Merry Christmas” for the best holiday photos ever! We promise every shot will be Insta-worthy—and be social! Don’t forget to tag us, #oldwestchristmaslightfest, so we can smile at your pictures, too.
So you can get to know the big guy even better, we sat down to get the scoop from Santa Claus in his own words. (Note: We edited out some “Ho, Ho, Ho” because, well, Santa says it A LOT!)

Q. Why do you love Enchanted Springs Ranch?
A. I love the North Pole, but Texas is special. Ho, Ho, Ho! The Hill Country is beautiful and Enchanted Springs Ranch is just perfect. Eighty-six acres that are truly enchanted, and the Old West brought to life. There’s just something magic here. You can feel it in the air. I can’t think of a better place to call home away from the North Pole. I love seeing everyone having so much fun every night and hanging out in my own saloon is a blast. Don’t be surprised if you see me visiting some of our food trucks or shopping with our vendors, though. I always needs a few extra gifts for the folks on my “Nice” list and well, I do like yummy food. I have to keep up my Santa figure, you know.
Q. Why do you need Longhorns?
A. Why not??? Yes, my reindeer fly around the world on Christmas Eve. But let’s face it: Texas is big. And it’s special. Having Longhorns pull my sleigh across the Lone Star State just makes sense. Be sure to visit some of them when you come out to Old West Christmas Light Fest. My Holly Jolly Herd is fantastic and you can find them throughout the town when you play the Old West scavenger hunt.
Q. What are your favorite cookies?
A. All of them! Mrs. Claus keeps me on a strict cookie diet year-round to ensure that I fit in my suit come the holidays. I really can’t pick just one. Decorated sugar cookies are good, but so are gingerbread. And classic Black and White cookies. And chocolate gingerbread cookies. And short bread cookies. Then there’s candy cane meringues. Chocolate crinkles, snickerdoodles, macaroons, tea cookies … you name it, I like them. This year at Old West Christmas Light Fest the amazing folks from Sweet Occasions are teaching people how to decorate cookies like a pro. You can enjoy their classes Dec. 1, 5, 8 and 19 here in the Old West. And if you just can’t wait, they’re here every night selling sweet treats. Just don’t tell Mrs. Claus if you catch me nibbling on one!

Q. How do you know what everyone wants for Christmas?
A. That’s a trade secret. I love getting to visit with kids, and kids at heart, to hear what they’re dreaming of. There’s nothing more special than making those dreams come true on Christmas morning. I have the best job in the whole world. I can’t wait to see everyone at Old West Christmas Light Fest. And if you’re too shy to tell me everything, you can always write me a letter and drop it off at the Old West Post Office. The Holly Jolly Herd makes sure I get every one of them. They like to prove how fantastic they are by loading extra presents on the sleigh, so all of those requests get added into our Christmas Eve deliveries.
Q. How do you know who is naughty and who is nice?
A. That’s another little secret of mine. If everyone knew, they might think they could get away with being naughty and I wouldn’t know. Nope. I have my ways of keeping tabs on folks, and no matter what parents say, I don’t always listen to the Elf on the Shelf. The real elves live at the North Pole. And elves are great toy builders, but they can be mischievous. I’d hate to rely on bad information. I’m the kind of guy who trusts my gut—and thank to those cookies, I have a lot of gut to trust! I just know. That twinkle in my eye is a bit of magic, after all.
I think it’s important for folks to know that it takes A LOT to land on the naughty list. I like to forgive and forget, especially when I know someone is trying really hard to do their best. But I will say: if you’re on the naughty list, watch out! Thanks to the jail in the Old West town at Enchanted Springs Ranch, there’s a chance that naughty folks might just get locked up. A lump of coal is one thing, but getting thrown in the Old West jail? That’s some serious naughty business. Ho, Ho, Ho!
The nice list is about how you treat other people. Using your manners. Being kind. Telling the truth, even when it’s tough. Being honest. Respecting others. Taking care of people who need your help. Listening to your parents and doing what you’re supposed to do. And apologizing when you don’t. It’s about being a good person, or trying your best to be as good as you can. And I know that everyone who comes out to Old West Christmas Light Fest belongs on the nice list!
Q. Are you real?
A. Ho, Ho, Ho! Of course I’m real! I know there are all sorts of folks who want to ruin the magic of Christmas by telling folks I’m fake. Those are people who don’t understand exactly that: Christmas is magic. Christmas is what you chose to believe. If you have the holiday spirit, if you believe, then of course I’m real. I’m sitting here enjoying cookies with you, aren’t I? But if you don’t have that spirit, then I can disappear from your life. I’d like to think that everyone has that spark inside of them. They just have to let it out and have faith.
Thanks Santa! And Ho, Ho, Ho!