We heard from light fans who said you can never have too many lights—and we’ve listened! But we decided to add a musical twist this year, so be ready to dance as lights dazzle and delight in our Old West Light Show. Our twinkling Texas flag that everyone loves to take pictures of? You know it will be back, brighter than ever and shhh … you might be able to take pictures with it. (But that has to be between us, OK??) And the stars you love will be gleaming as well.
So will the thousands, millions and billions of the rest of our lights. Well, maybe not billions, but to be honest, we stopped counting a long time ago. We started with two million lights in year one. We’ve added lights each year and now, we have a whole town covered in lights. Plus displays. Trying to count them all now? Nah. We’d rather just enjoy the glow!